MTB Studio Policies & Procedures
Acting is an art form that takes years to 'perfect'. You will not learn it in six weeks! You will not learn it if you are only here to 'test it out'. It may not be for you, but you won't be able to discover that without a full physical, emotional, and mental commitment. We ask that you give us that.
At this studio the scene study classes are considered ON-GOING (vs. our Special Classes like the Audition Technique Class, the Tools Class, etc.); when you start you are committing for the 'long haul' (at least two years if you are just beginning your studies – yes – TWO YEARS!). However, because we want to encourage our students to 'get out there', and because most do need to juggle their studies with work – we have created a structure that allows flexibility.
The Scene Study Classes are broken into six week sessions. Before the end of a session, plans are already being made for the next session – so that one flows right into another. With each new session you will have a new partner and a new scene.
However, if your schedule does not permit, then you will let us know that you need to drop out of the next session, and we will make plans for your return in the session after that.
- The fee is paid on a per session basis and is due in full the first class of the session (cash or check made payable to MTB Studio; no credit cards).
- You are paying for your space in class; class size is limited. There are no credits nor refunds once a session has begun.
- A non-refundable deposit (the amount changes from class to class) will be due on Special Classes; i.e. Audition Technique, Commercial Intensive, Tools, etc.
- You are guaranteed to get up with your scene or with an exercise five out of the six classes per session. In the Special Classes, you will work every week.
- We will do what we can to work around auditions and paid acting work, but our options are limited because a partner is involved; that may mean putting you up early in class so you can get out to your audition or 'gig' OR putting you up late in class when you arrive late due to auditions or filming. On occasion, your teacher may be able to set up a private session for you and your partner.
- Returned check fee is $25.00.
- Do not start a session if you know you cannot finish it.
- You are expected to attend every class, to be absolutely on time (meaning early) and expected to stay until the end of the class.
- For your stage scenes (theatre) you are expected to get together to rehearse with your scene partner outside of class.
- Camera Scenes require no rehearsals outside of class.
- Safety in classes is KEY!
From time to time we are asked to write recommendation letters for students that are pursuing Master’s Degrees, Foreign Studies, etc. We are very happy to write those letters for our students. However, in order to maintain the integrity of the work and the reputation of the studio, we can only write letters for students that have studied at the studio for a minimum of one year.
The staff is available for private coaching outside of the classes. Contact Mary Boyer if you are interested: 917-885-7450.